Education Can Change a Life

Education can help reduce poverty one child at a time when they are given the opportunity to attend school and receive an education. It is difficult to escape poverty without an education.

Some of the latest data on children and youth in developing countries show that since the year 2000

  • 61 million children worldwide are out of school
  • 23% attended school at one time but left for various reasons
  • 43% likely will never be able to start school
  • One additional year of learning can increase a woman's earnings by up to 20%
  • Maternal education is the key to reducing child mortality according to the United Nations.

With education so easily obtained in the States why are so many children in Guatemala unable to attend primary school and then continue to secondary education?  Reasons are: parents are unable to afford school fees; the cost to travel to school; cost of uniforms, lunch, books or school supplies; the parents need children at home to help earn money or in the case of girls to care for younger siblings; not enough clothing and shoes for school. It is common for parents to need to take out a small bank loan for school fees for their children even though school fees are less than $15 a child.

Educate A Child Today Through Sponsorship

Education And More is helping. Through a program that comes alongside the parents and gives them a helping hand, Education And More is helping to educate disadvantaged children and give them an opportunity to reach for their goals with a primary school education and then continue through university studies.

The Student Sponsorship program is a way for a someone like you to help children in need in another country reach their dream of going to school.  When you sponsor a child you give them much more than an education - you will be giving them a future and a means of self sufficiency in that future.  You will be able to follow the life of that child and their family through photos, cards and letters which you will receive from the child each year. 

Depending on the grade of your sponsored child, your student sponsorship will give the child:

  • A Bible
  • School supplies
  • Backpack
  • A new pair of shoes
  • Clothing
  • School fees
  • Transportation to school
  • Basket of food

Your investment in a student by giving them a way to attend school creates ripple effects through their family by encouraging their siblings to  have the desire to go to school and also will help reduce poverty within the family unit as they become adults and are able to find jobs. 

Learn more about our Sponsorship Program and choose a child today!



Education is Key To Reducing Child Mortality

Education First: Facts and Figures

Education For All

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