The Fair Line by Education And More
The Fair Line by Education And More is our carefully curated line of Fair Trade purses and bags, dining and kitchen linens, baskets, fouta bath & beach towels, scarves and wraps and so much more.
Education And More partners with artisan groups in the rural areas of Guatemala to help them earn a fair income to support their families and educate their children. We certify all items in our online store are made by our partner artisans under Fair Trade guidelines! They are ethically sourced, eco- friendly, and Fair Trade!!
As you purchase these Fair Trade products, it provides a means of self-sufficiency for the families. For generations, amid the struggles of everyday life, they have mastered the art of weaving. They now are expert seamstresses, jewelry designers, carvers, basket weavers, and more!
We appreciate your interest in the handcrafts from our partner artisans in Guatemala. You can shop guilt free from our collections of ethically made, sustainable fashions and home decor.
View our product collections